How to manage personal information on the helpdesk?

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

Personable identifiable and sensitive information should be hidden on the helpdesk to protect your users privacy. 

By default, WhatsApp shares the phone number and WhatsApp name for a person with the business they are interacting with. However, when you are supporting patients you can collect (with consent) or be exposed to additional sensitive data that is sent from patients. This information should be handled with care.

In, you can:

  • Hide people's names from non-admins
  • Set a contact field to hidden or visible

Before we look at how you hide names or set contact field as private, let's first take a look at what it means when a contact field is hidden. Who sees what?

What does it mean when a contact field is private?

When a field is set to private it means that the details will be hidden in the helpdesk. Non-admins cannot see the information at all, and admins need to explicitly click to view the details temporarily.

For non-admins the detailed information will be hidden with dots.

Admin users will also see dots, but they can temporarily view the information by click on the eye👁 icon.

How do I hide people's names everywhere from non-admins?

By default, WhatsApp shares the phone number and WhatsApp name for a person when they are interacting with your chat service. It will however be hidden from non-admins to protect the privacy of users. If non-admins need to view those details, admins can navigate to the Settings page and then go to the People tab to switch the toggle off.

On the Setting>People page admins can choose to hide or show names:

This is the non-admin view when names are hidden.

How do I set a contact field to private?

Firstly, it is important to know that only admin users can set and change the privacy level of a contact field.
On the Settings page

Navigate to the Setting page, then go to the People tab. Only admin users will have this tab. It will show the list of default Turn Profile fields as well as any custom contact fields created. Use the toggle to set a field as Hidden (private) or Visible (seen by all).

When creating new custom fields

By default, the privacy of a new custom field will be set as hidden. You can toggle it to off if the information should be visible in the helpdesk.

When it comes to personable information, less really is more!

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