Using media in no-code journeys

Raquel Updated by Raquel

WhatsApp allows you to send media such as images, videos, audios and pdf documents.

This can be achieved on Turn through no-code journeys within the no-code canvas itself and is very simple to implement.

Text blocks support all of the media listed above that is: images, videos, audios and pdf. Button blocks support images, videos and audios but not pdfs. Whereas Question and List blocks do not support any media attachment.

Let's look at how you would send media within a text block:

  1. Create a new no-code journey.
  2. Drop down a text block using the editor within the no-code canvas.
  3. Now use the options available alongside a text block to add a media to it.

You are now set up to send a PDF to a user. It is as simple as that. The above steps can be replicated for any media type.

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