9 May 2024: Data and variables in journeys

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

We’ve launched data in journeys allowing you to store information that are shared across journeys in a single place.

Journeys are designed to be simple to use, but powerful to create impactful chat service. Introducing data in no-code journeys raises the ceiling of possibilities.

The new Data tab on the Journeys page allows you to create, use and manage tables and dictionaries in your no-code journeys empowering you to build much more powerful services without needing to learn how to code. If you've been mainly using code journeys you've likely used variables already. The Data tabs brings the power of variables to the no-code blocks.

Let's look at an example.

Let's say you run a healthcare service. As per the video, you can create a global table with all your clinics' detailed information. You can also create a dictionary of API keys that your service use across multiple journeys. Using the table of clinic details and the dictionary with API keys, you only require a simple journey to help customers learn more about a clinic, its services and finding its various locations.

Great! Wondering where to find go so you can get started?

A new Data tab on the Journeys page

In your Turn.io account, navigate to the Journeys page. You will see a new Data tab allowing you to create global tables and/or dictionaries. The data you create here will be available to all the journeys on your specific number.

A new Data section within each journey

When you open a specific journey you will see the Data section in the side panel on the right. This allows you to create local data that is specific to a single journey. This is a very helpful way to create data that only gets used in one place, allowing you to keep your global data structures clean and organised.

Note: The values assigned to local data are only available for the duration of the journey and will get lost once the user finishes interacting with the journey. If you need to save data for later retrieval (for example to retrieve it from some other journeys in the future), please read about contact profiles.

Referencing your data is where the magic happens

The real power of data is to reference it in chat journeys. Using the “@” symbol in the text editor or by typing it from your keyboard, you can reference any information from your local or global data. Even more than that, you can also reference other internal data that’s available, such as information about the user, their last message and/or responses to other blocks and more.

Read our How to use data in Journeys article covering the creation, management and usage of local and global data.

In the future, you’ll get even more control and flexibility with new functionalities in Journeys to update this data dynamically — allowing you to create very rich and powerful services.

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