17 Jun 2024: More subscription details

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

Keep billing up to date to ensure an interruption-free chat service.

We added more details on the Subscription settings page so that it is easy to know the exact status of your Turn.io subscription.

Details available in Subscription settings

When you sign up for a chat service via Turn.io, you can select your preferred billing period and payment method. At times you might want to change card details or move to an annual plan to benefit from discounts, you can seamlessly manage all of that on the Subscription settings page. We've added more details than before so you can be sure of your exact subscription status and related dates.

Let's look at a couple of examples.

You will now find more details than before making it easy to stay up to date with billing. Let's show you a few screenshots below based on different subscription statuses.

Your subscription is in trial mode

When you sign up to Turn.io for the first time, you get a 30-day trial. This gives you time to make sure it is the product you want to use, and aligns with Meta giving you 30 days to sort your business verification with them. The Subscription settings page will show you;

  • When the first invoice is due.
  • The number of days left on the trial.
Your subscription is scheduled for a cancellation

Things change, and maybe you decide to cancel your subscription but because you pay upfront you still have a couple of days or months left on your paid subscription. The subscription settings page will show you:

  • That your subscription has been cancelled, with an option to renew a subscription.
  • The number of days left until your paid subscription expires.
You have an overdue invoice

When your subscription has unpaid invoices we will let you know. The subscription setting page will show you

  • The status of your subscription as past due.
  • The unpaid invoice with a "Pay Now" action.
If you do not action payment issues timely your subscription will automatically be paused. A paused subscription will result in messaging not working.

Soon important subscription statuses like Past Due and Paused will be accompanied by a banner and email notifications. Making it easy for you to know when and where to pay attention.

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