9 August 2021: Thread data export

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

Ke Nako - it's time! We've teased and told you about it and now it is here. You can download thread data to learn from your users.

What does Ke Nako mean?
The words “Ke Nako” was part of the 2010 Soccer World Cup official slogan. It means “it's time” in the South African languages Sesotho and Setswana.

Threads are the perfect fit to collect relevant information from users so that you can provide a personal user experience. To help you make the most of the information you are getting you can now export the data you collected with the click of a button.

All current thread users - you need to take action

Thread data exports will work for all threads but there is one important action to take if you use multiple choice questions in existing threads.

When you download data for existing threads with multiple choice questions the answers will display the numeric option selected as opposed to the text of the option. To enable your thread export to display the text going forward you need to re-save all existing threads.

This means all exports from existing threads will display the numeric options, however all future engagement with your thread will be neatly mapped.

How do I re-save? Open the thread, and click save.

Why do I need to re-save? Saving will auto-generate a new version of the thread. All new versions will automatically map numeric responses to the relevant text answer.

Read all about How do I export data? and What does the export give me? in our explanatory article. You can also learn why threads are versioned in the article.

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9 Sept 2021: Data Export API

22 June 2021: You know best!
