Upload media to Turn in order to use in code-based journeys

Raquel Updated by Raquel

Media such as images, videos, audios and file attachments can be uploaded to Turn for usage in code-based journeys.

It is entirely possible to embed and send out media via code-based journeys. However, the recomendded and easiest method to do so is via the canvas based no-code journeys which is explained here.

Let's look at how you would do this:

  1. Create a new no-code journey.
  2. Within this no-code journey, drop down some text blocks and upload media to these text blocks. You can use the accompanying text to label the media for your own ease.

  1. Once the files are successfully uploaded switch to the code view from the top of the no-code canvas.
  1. In the code view you are able to see the unique identifier for each of the media that we uploaded. This identifier can be used to fetch this specific media to any other journey that you want. Additionally, the syntax to embed this media into a code based journey can also be seen in this view and can serve as a reference point.

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