20 May 2024: Routing automatically distributes chats

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

With routing, you don’t have to dig to find the conversations that matter: they go directly to whoever is best available to help.

Our new routing engine does all of this for you, so that your team doesn’t waste time manually assigning chats, or setting up complex collections. They just go directly to your inbox.

  • The routing engine will be off by default but Admin users are able to turn it on via Settings > Inbox & Routing.
  • With routing, chats automatically get assigned to operators based on if their availability, and if they have the capacity. This make sure the load is spread across your helpdesk team and makes it simple to manage a large scale helpdesk
  • If you have a team of operators and a high volume of daily chats, you will benefit from routing. 

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