Subscription statuses explained

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

It is important that your subscription billing is up to date to ensure an interruption-free chat service. is a software-as-service product requiring a paid subscription. You can set your subscription up the way you prefer! During checkout you can choose your payment method and your preferred billing period. You can also manage and view all of these details on the Billing settings page.

Subscription billing details

For all your subscription-related details go to the Settings page and navigate to the Billing section. Here you can manage your view and manage all details, e.g. change your payment details, update your billing contact email or download historic invoices.

Your subscription status matters!

To ensure an interruption-free chat service, your subscription billing needs to be in order. Let's look at each of the possible subscription statuses, what they mean and when action is required.

For statuses that require action, you will see a banner in the user interface and your billing contact will get an email with all relevant details. To prevent service disruptions, it is important that you act timely to resolve billing issues.

How a subscription moves between states

Let's start with a flow diagram summarising how a subscription moves between statuses depending on action or inaction. Below the flow diagram you will find a table describing all the details.

The impact and action required for each subscription status

This table describes each subscription status, the implication of being in that state, how a subscription moves to that state and the required action.

Subscription status

What does the status means and how does a subscription get into that state?

Action required


⛔️ An inactive subscription means the associated number/s linked to the subscription will not work. No messages will be sent or received.

No subscription exist for your account. You need to set up a subscription for messaging to work.

Choose a plan and set up your subscription.


✅ An active subscription status means all is well and your chat service works as expected.

Once your 30 day trial is over, the status will change to Active.



✅ A trialing subscription means your chat service works as expected.

When you sign up to for the first time, you get a 30-day trial. This gives you time to confirm it is the product you want to use, and aligns with Meta giving you 30 days to sort business verification with them.


Past due

🟧 A past due subscription means you need to act timely to prevent service disruption.

For automatic payment methods, if the payment fails, the subscription status changes to Past Due. The merchant of record (Paddle) will attempt to complete the payment several times over the next few days.

For manual payment methods, you have 14 days to pay the invoice. Once the invoice is overdue, the subscription will change to a Past Due status. The subscription will remain Past Due until the end of the billing period.

Pay the overdue invoice to prevent service disruption.


⛔️ A paused subscription means the associated number/s linked to the subscription will not work. No messages will be sent or received.

For automatic payment methods, if payment persistently fails, the status will change from Past due to Paused.

For manual payment methods, if the transaction is still overdue at the end of the billing period the subscription status will change from Past Due to Paused.

A subscription can also be manually paused, on request.

Pay the overdue invoice to resume the subscription.


⛔️ A canceled subscription means the associated number/s linked to the subscription will not work. No messages will be sent or received.

A subscription can be Paused for up to 90 days, whereafter the status will automatically change to Cancelled.

A subscription can also be cancelled manually.

Set up a subscription or confirm offboarding.

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