Understanding WhatsApp’s Per-User Marketing Template Message Limit

Raquel Updated by Raquel

Meta has recently introduced a new policy that limits the number of marketing template messages that businesses can send to individual WhatsApp users. This change aims to improve user experience by reducing message overload and ensuring users receive more relevant, engaging content.

What Is the Per-User Marketing Template Limit?

The new limit allows businesses to send only one marketing template message within a 24-hour period unless the user responds. If the user engages with the message, it opens up the opportunity for the business to send one additional marketing template. This cycle continues, allowing one new template message per user response.

Why This Change Matters

The per-user limit helps businesses maximize message effectiveness by focusing on users who are more likely to engage. This strategy has shown to improve user read rates and positive sentiment, making business messages feel more valuable and less intrusive.

How This Affects Your Business

  • Sending Limits: Businesses can send one marketing message, which opens a 24-hour messaging window. Additional template messages within that window require the user’s response to proceed.
  • Error Notification: If you attempt to send more messages than allowed, you’ll receive an error code (131049) with a message saying, “This message was not delivered to maintain a healthy ecosystem.” Instead of resending immediately, retry at gradually longer intervals.

Example Scenario

  1. First Message: A marketing template message is sent, opening a 24-hour messaging window.
  2. User Responds: Each time the user responds, the business can send one additional marketing template within the open conversation.
  3. No Response: If the user doesn’t respond, further marketing messages can’t be sent until there’s engagement.

Best Practices for Businesses

To work within these limits, consider focusing your messaging strategy on quality and timing. Ensure that each message you send is relevant and valuable, encouraging users to respond and continue the conversation.

For more details, refer to the official WhatsApp documentation: Per-User Marketing Template Message Limits.

By following these guidelines, your business can maintain a positive presence on WhatsApp, maximizing engagement and respecting users’ preferences.

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