17 March 2021: Share the amazing work you do

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

We want to make it easier to share the great work you do with other Chat for Impact community members.

As a first step we are allowing you to export and import threads between numbers.

  • You can export and import between services.
  • You can use your sandbox to prototype and test threads and then easily move them to your live number.
  • Once a thread is imported you can edit it to update copy or add/remove questions. This means you can customise a thread for your service.
How to export and import a thread?

When you create/edit a thread you will see a button to Export the thread. Once you click this a .json file will be downloaded.

When you are on the Threads page you will see an Import button next to the Add Thread button. Once you click that you will be prompted to import a thread. A .json file is expected.

Soon you will also be able to copy and delete threads to help with housekeeping tasks.

If you are interested in being a beta users and sharing feedback with us please email pippa@turn.io.

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