6.1 - Unpacking Playbooks: Alex the Delight Planner

Raquel Updated by Raquel

We have published a series of Playbooks that use GenAI blocks specifically, and below are three videos walking you through one of them in detail.

Playbooks are designed to help you discover features on Turn, and make them your own. It gives tips for how and when to use which kind of AI block (Generate text, Classify text, and Answer question), and how to combine them with the classic Turn blocks to make the user experience nice and smooth.

You can download the Playbook yourself (from here) which means that it gets duplicated into your account. From there, you can make any adjustments and edits to it you like.

Please watch the three explainer videos below, and reach out if you have any questions or problems.

Part 1 (4:26min)

This explains the purpose and the psychology of the playbook as a whole, and goes through the first half of the it step-by-step:

Part 2 (5:00min)

This video goes through the next part of the playbook, including helping the user set implementation intentions

Part 3 (1:13min)

This video shows the very last part of the playbook where the user wraps up their interaction with the bot:

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