Set up a data connection to BigQuery

Neelke Stadler Updated by Neelke Stadler

We believe that you should own your data, which is why we've made it simple for you to do so. 

You can connect your account to BigQuery – Google's serverless data warehouse that makes super-fast SQL queries possible. This is exciting news as it makes long-term storage easy and allows you to use any visualisation tool of choice. We recommend Google Data Studio as a free visualisation tool that works really well with BigQuery. 

Please note that the BigQuery integration will not work with a Sandbox BigQuery account as it does not support streaming of data. See their docs on how to upgrade to a full account.

How to set up a connection from to BigQuery:

We need just one service key to be integrated in order to connect Turn to Big Query. There are six steps to get that service key from Google Cloud Platform console.

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Log in using your Google account in which you want your data to be integrated
Step 3: Accept the terms and conditions
Create a NEW PROJECT inside your GCP account
Step 1: In the menu section, navigate to HOME
Step 2: Click on dashboard
Step 3: Create a new project
Step 4: Give your project a name and the organisation name
Step 5: Click on create project
Create a SERVICE ACCOUNT for your GCP project
Step 1: In the menu section, go to IAM & ADMIN
Step 2: In the sub-menu, click on Service Accounts
Step 4: Enter a name and description for the service account
Step 5: Click Next
Step 6: Select a Role > Currently used > Owner
Step 7: Add other members(optional).
Step 8: Click Done to complete.
GENERATE SERVICE KEY for your service account
Step 1: Click on the three dots under actions in the service account
Step 2: Click on "Manage keys" in the sub-menu
Step 3: Select add key and create new key
Step 4: Select JSON and click create
Step 5: A file will be downloaded to you local machine, make sure you save it securely

Now that you have a service key, you can add the key to your account. Adding a service key is fairly easy.

  • Upload your JSON credentials in by going to Settings > Integrations > Connect to BigQuery > Upload JSON credentials.

Success 🙌! Two things will happen now:

  1. Your messages', chats', attachments' and faqs' (also known as content) historical data will populate eight tables in BigQuery. Please note that it might take some time to upload your historical data. 
  2. Your new data will continue to be live-streamed from to BigQuery.

Connecting your account to BigQuery means you can access all your data at any time.

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Understand your BigQuery data and queries
